Late-Identified AuDHD: A Starter Workbook by B.Z. Brainz

Do you suspect you have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

Are you late-diagnosed with AuDHD (ASD + ADHD)?

Are you still trying to identify your traits and describe your experiences to access support?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, this supportive and supplemental workbook is for you! Designed for people new to trying to define their experience as an AuDHD individual, you will learn the basics from another AuDHD'er...

  • Basic vocabulary!

  • A framework to view your journey!

  • Guided writing prompts to process your thoughts!

By the end of this workbook, you will:

  • Learn language to support conversations.

  • Create a list of your specific AuDHD traits.

  • Plus, uncover new ideas to inspire learning and more...


Different, Not Less: A neurodivergent's guide to embracing your true self and finding your happily ever after by Chloé Hayden


What I Mean When I Say I'm Autistic: Unpuzzling a Life on the Autism Spectrum by Annie Kotowicz