Waves and Win and We - poems by Danny Whitty Autism 10 Sept Written By Annette Clipsham This is my first book, and it is so meaningful to me. It is a compilation of poems on grief, love, and growth, based on my mourning my dad and at the same time blossoming in communication. I hope these poems resonate with you! AutismBookPoetryAutistic AuthorFictionNon-Speaking Annette Clipsham
Waves and Win and We - poems by Danny Whitty Autism 10 Sept Written By Annette Clipsham This is my first book, and it is so meaningful to me. It is a compilation of poems on grief, love, and growth, based on my mourning my dad and at the same time blossoming in communication. I hope these poems resonate with you! AutismBookPoetryAutistic AuthorFictionNon-Speaking Annette Clipsham